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Tue 1pm to 6pm
Wed 1pm to 6pm
Thu 1pm to 9pm
Fri 1pm to 6pm
Sat – Sun 12am to 6pm

Verein Shedhalle

Rote Fabrik
Seestrasse 395
CH-8038 Zürich

Tel + 41 44 4815950
Fax +41 44 4815951



anti-racist festival on wit and humor

Laugh up. Stand Up.

November 13 – 15, 2015

Who's laughing? With? ... Whom ...? What ...?
In Switzerland?!
About Racism.
Is this possible now !?
Laughing - now in Switzerland!

The three-day festival asks about the relationship between humor and racism in a witty and joyful manner. The festival aims to raise awareness of racist structures in humor and comedy, asks about racism as part of the Swiss humor discourse and promotes forms of humor that overcome existing stereotypes and gives those a voice who are affected by racist exclusion.

Stand-up comedians, poetry slamer, youtubers, performance artists, musicians and scientists are invited to enter into a dialogue with the audience. Roundtable discussions, panel discussions and workshops stimulate the reflection of our own laughter.

Schedule, artists and tickets via

»Laugh up. Stand Up.« in the media:

"Mit Witz und Würde", Tagesanzeiger, 10.11.2015
"Die Kraft des Laches nützen",, 10.11.2015
"Festival humori kundër racizmit, me pjesëmarrje shqiptare", Albinfo, 10.11.2015
"Raus aus dem Lachkrampf", Info Radio RaBe, 11.11.2015
"Sprache ist politisch", Interview with Rohit Jain, Junge Welt, 11.11.2015
"Humor als Tarnkappe", NZZ, 13.11.2015
Festivalreview on DialogPlus, 16.11.2015
Festivalreview on tsü, 19.11.2015
"Rassismuskritikkritik", Tagesanzeiger Blog, 20.11.2015
Festivalreview WoZ Nr. 48/2015 "Fertig lustig", 26.11.2015 (in printed issue only)
"Witz als Widerstand", Radiosendung Polyphon, Radio RaBe / Radio LoRa, 23.11.2015

The festival is a cooperation with „Verein zur Förderung rassismuskritischer Öffentlichkeiten“. It is supported by Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung / Generalsekretariat des Eidgenössischen Departements des Innern and Stiftung „Humor und Gesundheit“ and Mercator Foundation Switzerland. Media partner is WoZ Die Wochenzeitung.