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Tue 1pm to 6pm
Wed 1pm to 6pm
Thu 1pm to 9pm
Fri 1pm to 6pm
Sat – Sun 12am to 6pm

Verein Shedhalle

Rote Fabrik
Seestrasse 395
CH-8038 Zürich

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Program 12

The Power of the Border and the Memory of the Cinema


Sunday, 1, 8, & 15 December 2013, 12 noon, XENIX Kino

D: Philip Scheffner, D 2012, 106 min

In his documentary Revision, director Philip Scheffner reopens a twenty-year old criminal case: two men are shot after an illegal border crossing. Scheffner’s investigation of what happens to them is as suspenseful as a thriller. In late June 1992, harvesters discovered two men in a wheat field in Vorpommern; one was dead, the other lay dying. Just a few hours earlier, two German hunters had mistaken the Romanian Roma, who had apparently just crossed the Polish-German border illegally together with a group, for wild pigs and shot them. The marksmen were acquitted. Philip Scheffner’s examination of the incident is more meticulously than that of the officials at the time who muddled the affair, failing to follow up on clues and clarify contradictions. In other words, they were not particularly interested in an explanation. After all, casualties on the EU’s external borders are, in the end, condoned. (Text: Lisa Rössler / XENIX)

“A deeply impressive documentary that does justice to the two victims.” Katja Nicodemus, Zeit online

On Sunday, 1 December 2013, there will be a talk with Katharina Morawek and Can Gülcü about the annual program “SWITZERLAND IS NOT AN ISLAND” after the screening.

In Cooperation with Kino XENIX