Research Exhibition
Beyond the Nation
October 18, 2013 – November 10, 2013
Opening: October 17, 2013, 7 p.m.
with the Performance/Intervention Rroma Jam Session
At the center of the exhibition is Romanistan, a large-sized installation by Zurich artist RR MARKI. Romanistan is the name of an imaginary (nation) state for all Roma. Romanistan is the name of an imaginary (nation) state for all Roma. Roma could live there, free from structural and every day racisms and equipped with all social rights that are connected with citizenship. However, Romanistan also points towards a connectivity between all Roma who live in different countries and regions of the world today - without a (state) institutional construct regulating their relations.
RR MARKI´s work is lead by a tension between the idea of a „(nation) state of our own“ as an autonomous and safe space and the fact that the nation state has become out-dated, considering transnational migration movements. RR MARKI resolves this tension by declaring (foremost) european nation states to be Romanistan as well.
What emerges is a critique of the idea of the nation state and it´s repressive politics of homogenisation of language, education and ways of life. The demand for equal rights, regardless of nationality and citizenship provides a red thread that remains to be discussed during the course of the exhibition.
The collaboration between RR MARKI and the Shedhalle emerged in the framework of intended collaborations of the Shedhalle with self-organized groups in Zurich and elsewhere, in this case with cultural workers and artists from the association Romano Dialog.
Beyond the Nation is the third chapter of the exhibition series SWITZERLAND IS NOT AN ISLAND which will be shown in the Shedhalle in four chapters in the course of 2013. The research exhibition assembles art works dealing with focus topics as well as publications and research materials in form of a research library. The research library is continuously being supplemented. It is the basis for workshops, discussions, poster campaigns or actions and other interventions. It is available for visitors for reading and as research material.